Until now, the only way to get an official copy of Chrome OS from Google was to buy one of the visitor's popular Chromebooks.

Users that wanted to install the OS on their ain existing hardware were left out in the cold, forced to rely on modified, unsupported, and hacked-together versions of Chrome Os that lack functionality and features. At present, with Chrome Bone Flex, Google aims to modify that.

What Is Chrome OS Flex?

Chrome OS Flex is a new, free version of Chrome Os designed to exist downloaded and installed on your existing PC or Mac computer. With its low resource requirements, information technology is the perfect solution to breathe new life into old hardware that has become also outdated to reliably run current versions of Windows or macOS.

But like the regular version of Chrome OS that comes installed on Chromebooks, it takes full advantage of all of Google's cloud computing services such equally Gmail, Drive, Docs, etc.

It is of import to note that Google is currently distributing Chrome OS Flex as an early access release. This means that while the operating system is more or less fully functional, it is not intended for mission-disquisitional production apply. Y'all may run into bugs or experience some instability as the developers keep to develop the software.

The good news, however, is that once you've installed Chrome OS Flex on your arrangement, it volition automatically update equally new versions are released. This means that without any further intervention, y'all volition eventually end up with the fully functional and stable version when information technology's completed.

Chrome Os Flex Hardware Requirements

As mentioned above, the hardware requirements for Chrome OS Flex are extremely minimal by today'due south standards. In full general, Google claims that this new OS will run on almost any computer manufactured later on 2010. The specific minimum requirements are every bit follows:

  • Intel or AMD x86 64-bit compatible device
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 16GB of storage space
  • BIOS that supports booting from a USB device

Regarding processor and graphics capabilities, Google states specifically that, "Components fabricated earlier 2010 might event in a poor experience. Intel GMA 500, 600, 3600, and 3650 graphics hardware do not meet Chrome OS Flex performance standards."

If the device you lot are planning to use meets these requirements, it's time to get started!

To create the installation media for Chrome OS Flex, you will need a computer running Windows or macOS with a current version of the Chrome browser and a USB drive with at least 8GB of storage space. Then, just follow the steps below:

Google warns that from time to fourth dimension, some USB drives volition not function properly with the installer. If yous have trouble creating or running the installation media, attempt a dissimilar USB drive. Our first attempt to install Chrome Os Flex failed, merely nosotros were able to install the system without whatsoever issue past using another USB drive.

To get started, go to Chrome Spider web Store in your current Chrome browser and install the Chromebook Recovery Utility.

Chrome Recovery Extension

After calculation the extension to Chrome, click on the Extensions icon at the pinnacle correct corner of your browser window and select the Chromebook Recovery Utility from the list that appears. This volition start the Chromebook recovery procedure which will allow you to create a bootable Chrome OS Flex USB drive.

Chrome OS Recovery Identify Chromebook

When yous get-go the recovery setup procedure, the utility will ask you to place your Chromebook. Click on Select a model from a listing.

Chrome OS Recovery Model List

From the list that opens, select Google Chrome Bone Flex.

Chrome OS Recovery Chrome Flex

Another drib-downwards list volition appear to permit you to select the version of the Bone that you would like to install. At the time of writing, Chrome Bone Flex (Developer-Unstable) is the only pick.

Chrome OS Flex Creating Recovery Image

Finally, it'll ask you to select the USB device where you want to shop the recovery image, and the process of downloading and creating the epitome volition begin. Depending on the speed of your internet connection and reckoner hardware, the process will take anywhere from a few moments to a few minutes.

Once you accept created the Chrome Bone Flex recovery media, you'll need to restart your reckoner with the USB bulldoze connected, enter the BIOS boot menu, and select your USB drive as the boot device. The procedure for entering the boot carte du jour varies from one manufacturer to another. If you don't know how to access the boot menu on your system, you lot should refer to the manufacturer'southward support material.

The initial Chrome OS Flex installation screen should load up within a few moments and the installer volition enquire if you would like to install to the hard drive on your computer or try it from the USB media.

One of the most interesting things about the Chrome Os Flex USB installation media is that information technology uses persistent storage. Unlike most live USB systems, if you elect to try Chrome OS Flex without installing it to your computer's hard drive, it'll save the business relationship you set up up and the options that y'all choose on the USB and utilize it automatically the adjacent fourth dimension y'all boot from the same media. You volition even so exist able to install the system to your device's hard drive at any time.

Side by side, it'll inquire y'all if you'd like to ready your new (or is it old?) Chromebook for yourself or your child. All you demand to do is follow the prompts and enter the account data for whichever option you lot cull. If you choose to prepare the device for your child, the installer will requite you extra options for setting parental controls.

Chrome OS Flex Welcome

Enjoy the Chromebook Feel on Your PC

Inside a few minutes, the installation volition cease and Chrome OS Flex volition be ready for use. That's all in that location is to it. You only turned your figurer into a Chromebook. The system will automatically update itself to newer versions of the OS as they go available. There'south cypher left for yous to do but explore and enjoy your new Chrome OS Flex system!

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